Second Sunday March 14th 2021

Resources for the day available here
What can the pandemic teach us about a good society?
Do we want to keep our NHS public?
Should it be free at the point of delivery?
What is the future of our NHS?
11.00 Watch the Vimeo recording of the Hexham Debate featuring Helen Salisbury.
A link to the Vimeo of the Hexham Debate is here.
2.00 – 3.00 In conversation with Jude Letham: Co-ordinator of various campaigns including “Keep Our NHS Public North East”; “No cuts or cash-driven closures”; “Fair pay for all NHS staff” and a fully-funded, universal, publicly owned and publicly provided National Health Service.
A recording of this event will be available here shortly.
4.00 – 5.30 Panel Discussion with Jenny Firth Cozens: Emeritus Professor of clinical psychology who spent the last 20 years of her working life trying to make healthcare safer by thinking mainly of the staff. She is now a Governor of the Northumbria trust; Amanda Pickering: a registered nurse with a background of management providing , education and training in the care home sector and Lesley Duke: a local, retired GP.
A recording of this event will be available here shortly.
7.00: “Under the Knife.”
We are grateful to PamKProductions for allowing us to share the documentary “Under the Knife” free for a limited time.
Under The Knife is about the privatisation of the NHS by stealth and was produced by Pamela Kleinot and directed by Susan Steinberg.
This 2019 feature-length documentary film is narrated by actor Alison Steadman. Supported by Britain’s Labour Party, health trade unions, and the campaign group Keep Our NHS Public, it argues that England’s state-run National Health Service (NHS) is being intentionally privatised and underfunded, but its premise and conclusions have been disputed.The film looks at healthcare before the NHS and how this service came to be, followed by what happened over the subsequent seven decades, before presenting its arguments on privatisation, underfunding, the private finance initiative and the impact of the 2012 Health and Social Care Act. More than 60 people are interviewed in the film.
This link is no longer available available free